Friday 24 May 2013

last week before HALF TERM

Last week we made butter - taking some cream - talking about where cream came from and what did they predict would happen to the cream ?- what colour did they think it would go ? and putting into a bottle then everyone had to shake it for ages - eventually we had butter and we had it on some crackers - it was "yummy!"
The children really enjoyed discovering shapes in the environment. Activities have included taking photographs of shapes around them, matching them to things, making a collage from the photographs and finally making various shapes with each other using their bodies.
We also looked closely at eggs - and what happened when you mixed the yolk with the egg white - they felt and smelt a cooked egg - no one wanted to try it though !
Jess , a teacher doing her forest school leader training has been taking some of our FS sessions - she has now passed and is a fully fledged Forest School leader .  Congratulations Jess !   She said she really enjoyed working with our children

Thursday 16 May 2013

National Children's day

This week we having been looking at shapes in our environment - the children have been busy finding shapes - manhole covers- fence squares - circular tyres - cuboid crates- triangular road markings- and taking photos of them - and then printing them off. They then have drawn shapes and mounted their art work to make a SHAPES display - take a look !

The forest school was full of midges this week which was annoying for everyone - especially as all the leaves are coming out and it is lovely down there.

Parent afternoons have been on offer this week for discussions with each child's key person.

We marked National Children's day with a slide show for parents and carers - complete with pop corn and cakes the children had helped to make and serve  - they really enjoyed seeing the 108 slide show and spotting all their friends at play.

Monday 6 May 2013

experiments !

This week we have been making predictions and testing out our theories - we have seen how much egg white grows when whisked - and then how it changes again when cooked.
The children helped place some coins in different liquids (- such as coke - ketchup -lemon juice and milk- suggested by one child, and fizzy water -suggested by another). We then had to wait and see what happened - a lot of the children thought they would disappear as if by magic - they loved the results - the ketchup made really shiny coins - "like treasure !"

The staff team have been spending their last two Thursday evenings learning about attachment and how children need and build this link with their parents and playschool staff - and how we can nurture it to make our children more resilient and have good self esteem - really interesting-  if hard work !

A lot of planting has been going on - we have even planted up some wellys!  - they look fab