Saturday 28 April 2012

Welcome back to the summer term and to wild, wet and windy weather.
Forest school will be on Monday afternoons, Weds and Fri mornings -  NOT if high winds - because of safety in the woods.

The older children are getting excited about school now and we are stepping up our Tues/Thurs visits to the reception class at Broadway First school - where we always explain to the children who are going to other local schools - this is what a big school is like. When we return to playschool they can look at photos of the many different school we feed into, in our schools photo folder. They can even see all the different schools toilets !  We also have some school uniform for them to try on and role play 'school'

The children's individual education plans for this term are out now - please talk to their key person if you wish to discuss any aspect of your child's development. 

Our mini-beasts theme is taking off - the children have made a wormery and are hatching butterflies - and finding worms and woodlice at forest school and we have been looking at worms under the computer microscope.

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