Tuesday 10 November 2015

bonfires and remembrance...

This week we have been seeing wind & rain lashing the playschool – the children have still managed to get outside and build aeroplanes, trains and houses. The one plane even had ‘TVs in the seats’ so we could all ‘watch’ different films!!

We have made felt poppies and talked about remembering people and soldiers and wars. The children worked hard to split the wool weft and to layer it – then to soap it then roll it out and then leave to dry. The poppies look very effective !

We have also been discussing fire safety and how to keep ourselves safe. The children have made a ‘krispie’ bonfire cake at both settings – it all tumbled down the sides of the bowl and they added different sweets to make the ‘flames’. They have seen matches and sparklers and we have talked about ‘fire’ ,‘hot’, heat’ and ‘burning’. They know these things are for adults to do and they can watch, to keep safe.

The bonfire cake at Towewrview went to Forest School and was beautiful with the sparklers in it – then we all had a piece- yum yum !

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