Friday 30 November 2018


At Broadway Playschool - the little ones have been challenging themselves on the A frame and slide, testing their physical abilities.  Outside they have been putting their ideas into practise and getting involved in obstacle course' with crates and planks to balance along and crawl under, balance along and crawl under.  Great reindeer's and collages done by the two year old's this week with some really good 
co-operative tidying up and helping each other. 

At Towerview Playschool - As our topic is 'cold climates', the children placed Duplo polar bears into water and placed them into the freezer. Once the water froze they had a lot of fun using different tools to try and break through the ice.

Lovely drilling to make the reindeer Christmas decorations  (for our tree at the UR church Tree Festival) again this week - some children having their 2nd or 3rd go and getting quite skillful. remembering the safety goggles too!  
The singing practise is going well too with lots of the children remembering the words now.

The children enjoyed having white play dough this week and we have enjoyed sharing some nice dough 'sweets and cakes'!!!

REMINDER - any child with sickness and/ or diarrhoea - even if only one bout CANNOT attend Playschool for 48 hours FROM THE LAST BOUT. 
This ensures the prevention of spread of infection and protects the staff, who if we all get sick -there will be NO PLAYSCHOOL ! 

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