Monday 15 July 2019


This years Forest School Trip was a huge success. The children really enjoyed their trip to the Forest and really made full use of all the areas.  It was lovely to see the children jumping in the muddy areas and having a good go at everything.  We light a fire and toasted crumpets - kindly supplied by one of our families. We also used the Kelly kettle to make hot drinks for staff and we also popped pop corn over the fire. The children were so good at respecting the fire pit area and remembering the rules too. They all sang on the bus on the way home despite being immensely tired ! 

Great imagination and involvement building a 'museum' outside. Adults supported by inputting ideas as to 'what you might see in a museum' and we talked about things that were worn and used a long long time ago which prompted language such as "this is a olden day wheelbarrow" and "I've got a statue". One child went inside to get "old army clothes" to display. We talked about who works in a museum e.g tour guides, security etc encouraging them to negotiate roles in their play. Some great cooperative play seen.

The children were fascinated with the idea of painting ice moulds they had made. They watched as the paint made its way down the ice and formed a puddle of colour. The children painted the large  ice mould red. " It looks like a volcano" said one child ( we have 'made' a working volcano model recently) . "the larva is flowing out the top "said another. Children showed curiosity and interest in using different media to create new effects.

The children are enjoying an increasing range of books and brought them to staff to look at the illustrations- so this shows that they know that information can be retrieved from books. A favourite book being the life cycle of the butterfly. ( as we have hatched real butterflies in playschool this term). The children showed a good understanding of the sequence of events referring to past real life experiences with our own butterflies. 

Good fun was had cleaning up our environment - scrubbing the chairs clean, rinsing them off and carefully stacking them in the sun to dry.  We counted 14 to 41 !!  Every child helped at some point. Good work everybody! 
- see notices below 

Characteristics of Effective Learning- Active learning - motivation

 * Being involved and concentrating
 * Keeping trying 
 *Enjoying achieving what they set out to do

This weeks play shows how the children are taking responsibility for their own environment - cleaning and sorting - enables the children to develop a sense of belonging and involvement.   The children discuss with the staff what needs doing, and then they get on with it with staff support and at their own place  This helps develop a sense of ownership and pride  

slide show in Playschool Tues and weds at 2.30 pm 

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