Tuesday 20 October 2020

Stop, ready, Go!

 The children have been very involved in road traffic role play, using colour codes to “stop, ready and go” which lead to some mark making speeding tickets!  Too fast in their bikes.  We explored the idea of making our own speed camera and traffic light with the junk modelling to use for role play. This involved measuring with a marble?! Exploring tools and what we need to use for sawing to make the post and looking at shapes to decide which would be appropriate for the task.

Children were encouraged to be creative with the conkers they found and produced a giant spider, there was some debate over how many legs a spider has.

At Forest School children had the opportunity to saw branches in preparation for the woodland fire the following week.  We practised our emergency evacuation too which the children coped brilliantly.

The children in the 2-3yr group made a collage bus, using a sample for reference they explored shapes selecting circles for wheels and squares for windows - problem solving, counting and positional language.

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